Shri Sai Baba
Diya Garland Sai Picture Garland Diya

Friday, March 28, 2008


The Quest In Advertising Your Website

Website advertising the unending quest of every web site builder. And Free is a word i work towards. But free on the net has many different meanings and many of them or most of them are not free at all. The most effective means of advertising i have found as i am sure many of you also have discovered are the traffic surfing sites. You register your site on a few or many of them. Advertise your main site as well as put a few of the traffic sites themselves in advertising rotation. In the event that you can get people to sign up to the traffic surfing sites, you gain for yourself a constant stream of credit which constantly show off your main website. Add into your main website free banners that also gain credits and in time you will gain a consistent flow of free advertising. This is one of the methods I use and it really does provide a constant flow through to my main website. Getting people to view your site isn't really that hard. The ideas that you can use are really endless. Getting people to purchase products if you are in affiliate sales ect is a whole different article, many articles really. So we will leave that one too next time. Bye for Now.


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