Shri Sai Baba
Diya Garland Sai Picture Garland Diya

Friday, April 4, 2008


How companies Pay You To Take Surveys

Its really simple. Companies like to find out what the consumer (you) like to spend your money on, and more importantly what you like to spend your time doing. They pay millions of dollars every month in advertising budget to hire people like us to show you how to take these surveys and focus groups. Its really quite simple to understand that these companies MAKE millions just buy knowing more about you.

Somtimes they even pay for your dinner, and sometimes even pay you to get with groups of people to try products in controlled areas they invite you too! ( These are called focus groups.)

Pretty soon you might find yourself getting Paid:

  • $5-$100 To Drive Brand New Released Cars
  • Free Meals + $40 to Try out a New Restaraunt in Your Area!
  • $20 for filling out a short 10 minute email survey
  • Get Paid $100-$200 an hour for offline surveys
  • Get Paid $50-80 for online surveys
  • Over $200 an hour for focus groups!
  • Get Paid $90 just for previewing a Movie Trailer!
  • Up to $3500 a month just for driving a car around!
People Didn't Believe Us Either When We Started, Now We are Practically Retired!
Nobody believed us when we started, and we hardly believed ourselves. But the money starting pouring in, We were getting paid by MULTIPLE companies somtimes MULTIPLE times a week. We are now making a living from our homes, working a couple of hours a week. Microsoft, Coca Cola, Sears, and many more LARGE corporations are paying you and I for the extremely valuable customer information that they pay the BIG BUCKS for! We are the source between you and these very generous and high paying companies.


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